For £1 per game, predict:-
The winner of each game – Get it right, 1 point.
The number of tries scored by the winning team, 2 more points for a correct answer, 1 point for one try either way.
If you are in the clubhouse when the final whistle blows, then DOUBLE any points!
The classic Uruguay vs Namibia contest on the 27th September
Let’s say you predict Uruguay win, scoring 3 tries.
Fast forward to 6:30 on the 27th, and Uruguay win 14 (2 converted tries) to 7. That’s one point for the win prediction
Lets say Uruguay win 21-7 with three converted tries, That will be 3 points, one for the win and two for getting the tries. If they scored two tries, you would get one point.
And finally, if you are in the clubhouse with a pint in your hand to watch the game, that doubles to 6 points!
After the final, whoever has the most points will get 70% of the cash pot. 20% for whoever is second and 10% for third place.
1. A prediction for one game is £1.
2. If you wish to buy 24 predictions in one transaction, then the cost is reduced to £20
3. If you want to buy 48 predictions (the whole tournament), the cost is £40
4. Predictions only valid if made and paid for the day before the game or earlier
5. Predictions can be made at the bar or be email to
6. Predictions made by email must be paid at least the day before the game and EITHER:-
a. At the bar
b. To Bank 04-06-05/15577651 but you MUST quote your name as reference
7. One point is awarded for any prediction of a correct winner.
8. Two points are awarded for the prediction of the number of tries scored by the winning team, WHETHER OR NOT YOU PREDICTED THE WINNER.
9. One point is awarded for predicting one more or one fewer tries that are scored by the winning side, AGAIN WHETHER OR NOT YOU PREDICTED THE WINNER.
10. The points at 4 and 5 will be doubled if the contestant is in the Alton RFC clubhouse having purchased at least one drink AFTER the start and BEFORE the final whistle of the game for which the prediction is made.
11. A doubling of points will only be awarded if the contestant adds their name to the register kept behind the bar for the length of the tournament.
12. If for any reason a game is cancelled, the purchase of that ticket will be refunded within 28 days. If a package has been bought, refunds will not be given for the first 4 cancellations (24 game package) or for the first 8 cancellations (48 game package)
13. The judges will be the current ARFC executive committee and their decision on the awarding of points is final
The competition is being run on behalf of Alton Rugby Club by Lewis Jones, 3 Amery Street, Alton GU34 1HN
The money will be held in the account of Aelfreda Ltd which is wholly controlled by Lewis Jones and will be passed to the Rugby Club without deduction each week.
Receipts will be issued by request